Tuesday, February 22, 2011

RefWork (Group 4)

RefWorks is an online database that allows you to import references from multiple sources while also organizing them for you.

With RefWorks you can:
  • Create your own personal database
  • Import data directly from specific websites, saved text files, online catalogs or databases
  • Convert references from other bibliographic management products
  • Import from RSS (Really Simple Syndication*)
  • Organize and sort with folders and attached files to specific references
  • Format a bibliography from a list of references
  • Quick/ advance searches available
  • Helps format citations "Write-n-Cite"
          * RSS: Standardized format such as blog entries, news headlines, audio and video

Main headers above from: (http://www.refworks.com/Refworks/help/Refworks.htm#Overview_Building.htm), Feb. 22, 2011

RefWorks is also accessible to individuals with disabilities, working with both Window's JAWS* and MS Narrator**.

          * Program for individuals with poor vision or learning disabilities. Special "text to voice" converter.
          ** Also for the visually impaired, full-function screen reader.

Information source: (http://www.freedomscientific.com/fs_products/software_jawsinfo.asp), Feb. 22, 2011

RefWorks is compatible, and runs properly with the following operating systems and programs:
  • Internet Explorer, (version 7.0 or higher), Windows
  • FireFox, Mac 
  • Safari, Mac
  • Word Processor, Windows and Mac
  • Mac OS X
  • Microsoft Word
Above list as stated from:
Feb. 22, 2011, (http://www.refworks.com/Refworks/help/RefWorks_Quick_Start_Guide.pdf)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Steps to conducting my interview and writing the Country Report.

1.       Prepare my main objectives.
2.       Prepare my questions.
3.       Find out the places where international students are most likely to be found.
4.       Meet a student and get to know him/her a little and see if they are willing to help.
5.       Set a specific day, time and place to hold the interview and let the interviewee know.
6.       Brief him/her on the types of questions that I will be asking before the interview so they will have time to come up with better answers.
7.       Plan beforehand how to ask the questions in a manner that will not overwhelm the interviewee or will cause their answers to be biased.
8.       At the interview, clearly indicate my main objectives and what I hope/want to find out to the interviewee.
9.       Explain a little bit about my culture and clearly distinguish some differences and similarities between the two cultures.
10.   Find out the underlying reason as to why they chose the US.
11.    Conclude my interview after checking to see if I have gotten at least most of what I wanted to.
12.   Create an outline for my Country Report.
13.   Write the actual country report making sure I have included all the information.
14.   Post it on my blog.
15.   Breathe!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Interview objectives for Vidura Wicks

1.       Learn about the differences and similarities in someone else’s culture compared to mine.
2.       Converse thoroughly and learn about the underlying reason as to why they chose the US.
3.       Learn about they handled the transitioning process during their first few months in the US
4.       Find out what their perspectives about the US were before coming here and how and why they changed (If they did, that is.).

20 Questions- Finalized version

Core Questions
1. What was the hardest thing about transitioning to the U.S.? (Culture shock)
2. Why did you decide to come to SCSU instead of studying or working in your own country?
3. What is your opinion of the American diet?
4. What are some cultural differences between your country and here?
5 Who takes care of the finances in your family?
6. What are your personal experiences with racism since coming to the US?
7. What were your preconceptions about the US before coming here and how have they changed?

My Questions
8. Why did you choose America to continue your education?
9. How many languages do you speak?
10. What are your plans after you graduate?
11. What is the most challenging thing about living in America?
12. Have you lost proficiency in speaking, writing or reading in your native language since coming to the US?
13. What do you miss the most about home?
14. Have you been to any other countries other than America?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

20 Questions (Group)

The Real 20 Questions
1.       Why did you come to the US, and what made you choose SCSU for a College?
2.       What is the schooling system like in your country? (Teacher centered or student centered?)
3.       Is English taught in School? How early is it taught?
4.       How many languages do you speak?
5.       How long will you be here in the states? (1year or till you graduate?)
6.       What is your family situation like at your home? (Parents, siblings, older family members, etc.)
7.       How often do you get to contact your family? Why?
8.       What are some of your ideas of fun/hobbies?
9.       Did you or are you currently holding a Job? If so, what was or is it?
10.   What religions are commonly practiced in your country?
11.   What is the climate like in your country? Do you have many seasons?
12.   Did you adapt well to Minnesota’s weather?
13.   How did you deal with the culture shock?
14.   What has been the most challenging part of living here in the US? Why?
15.   Have you lost proficiency in speaking, writing or reading in your language since coming to the US?
16.   Do you keep up with your home country's news? If you do, what do you feel about current events involving it?
17.   What system of Government does your country use?
18.   Have there ever been issues with racism? In the states and/or your own country?
19.   What are some of the differences in laws between your country and the US? Are some different from Minnesota laws?
20.   Have your perspectives about America changed or stayed the same since you came here?

Monday, February 7, 2011

20 Questions

1. What is your name?
2. Where are you from?
3. How long have you been in the United States?
4. What are you studying?
5. Why did you choose America to continue your education?
6. How many languages do you speak?
7. How long are you going to be staying in America?
8. How did you handle with Culture Shock when you arrived in America?
9. Do you have a job?
10. Have you been to any other countries other than America?
11. Have your perspectives about America changed or are they the same as they were before you came here?
12. How are you handling the Minnesotan Winter?
13. Why did you choose SCSU?
14. What are your plans after you graduate?
15. What do you miss the most about home?
16. What is the most challenging thing about living in America?
17. For how long have you been learning English?
18. Were you accustomed to this weather (the snow and the cold) before you came here?
19. Do you have any family in America?
20. Have you visited/lived in any other states since you came here?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Group outline

Thesis Statement - Global Communication has enhanced the quality of life in prior decades.
1.       Social Impact
a.       Internet
                                                               i.      Social Networking Sites
                                                             ii.      Messenger
                                                            iii.      Shopping Online
                                                           iv.      Blogs
b.      Phone
                                                               i.      Cell Phones
                                                             ii.      Land Lines
2.       Cultural Impact
a.       Business
                                                               i.      Small Companies
                                                             ii.      Corporations
b.      Politics
                                                               i.      International Relations
                                                             ii.      Laws Internationally
Conclusion – As one can see global communication has affected the world in various ways.

What is global communication and how has it promoted the globalization witnessed in the past ten years?

Global communication is the process of transmitting and receiving information on a world-wide scale. It has influenced globalization radically throughout the past 10 years by the use of a vast number of technologies, two of the main technologies being the Digital Media and the Internet.

Technology has created novel methods to speak out to the world, literally.  As governments begin relying on activists and mobilized groups to seek out the specific needs of the people, media activists seem to be the main victims of condemnation and criticism. Independent media has altered the approach of many activists.  Communication across terrains in real time, digital network provide the technological infrastructure to pursue network based social movement forms.   The experimentation of myriad technologies such as digital media has created new connections, produced various results, and opened new perspectives between nations as never seen before.     

Communication through cyberspace has paved the way for creation and maintenance of connections and relations across space and time Cyberspace has eliminated all barriers and boundaries, facilitating the unrestricted flow of ideas between people of all backgrounds.  We are going to reveal the consequences, negative and positive, of the new connection being established among people who reside in different social spheres.  A specific example is the huaren cyberpublic, which is a network that connected Chinese people from diverse backgrounds, various nationalities, and across borders for a common cause: to voice their criticisms of the Indonesian government for not curtailing the injustice the Chinese minority was being subjected to. 

The World Wide Web, specifically the internet has made our world a lot smaller. It has made possible for someone in one end of the world carry on conversations with other people from any part of the world, simultaneously.

A wide variety of internet based technologies have made it easier than ever to keep in touch with friends and family. These technologies include social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace. The internet also has video chat functions which allow users to have live face to face discussions with people from around the world, at little or no cost. Also, the internet has made possible for companies to carry on their businesses on a world wide scale, which includes having a website on the internet as their main hub. The internet has also facilitated e-markets such as Amazon and E-bay, which is a virtual auction. In conclusion, the internet and digital media has immense influence on globalization.

Harvey, David
1989 The condition of postmodernity. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers