Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Steps to conducting my interview and writing the Country Report.

1.       Prepare my main objectives.
2.       Prepare my questions.
3.       Find out the places where international students are most likely to be found.
4.       Meet a student and get to know him/her a little and see if they are willing to help.
5.       Set a specific day, time and place to hold the interview and let the interviewee know.
6.       Brief him/her on the types of questions that I will be asking before the interview so they will have time to come up with better answers.
7.       Plan beforehand how to ask the questions in a manner that will not overwhelm the interviewee or will cause their answers to be biased.
8.       At the interview, clearly indicate my main objectives and what I hope/want to find out to the interviewee.
9.       Explain a little bit about my culture and clearly distinguish some differences and similarities between the two cultures.
10.   Find out the underlying reason as to why they chose the US.
11.    Conclude my interview after checking to see if I have gotten at least most of what I wanted to.
12.   Create an outline for my Country Report.
13.   Write the actual country report making sure I have included all the information.
14.   Post it on my blog.
15.   Breathe!

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